internships and planning ahead

the thought of summer conjures up images of lazy days at the beach, sleeping in, and warm nights spent contemplating whether a run to get ice cream is worth the effort. then again, one might consider working for nothing...sounds like an easy decision, except that job which offers no immediate financial gain may very well be a student's best investment of time in regards to the future returns it most likely will bring. internships provide valuable experience, add to a student's resume, and offer the possibility of strong recommendations from professionals.

Photo by gguy44/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by gguy44/iStock / Getty Images


please take a moment and consider the following article from the new york times :

college admissions

The college admissions process is particularly complicated for a high school student. Considerations include school size, type and location, economics, majors, and dorm life. Before a student gets to that point, however, attention  must be given to g.p.a., SAT’s, ACT’s, course-load, and much more.  

We believe that the right team will put together a well-executed and personalized plan aimed at placing the student in a college that is truly best suited to his or her needs. There are over four thousand four-year colleges in North America, and we aim to find the one that fits your child best. This is what we focus on at Clearing, and this is what we will do for you.